
Opioid Constipation Remedies: How to Feel Better

Constipation is a medical condition characterized by hard, dry, or lumpy stools, fewer than three bowel movements a week, a feeling that not all stool has been passed, or difficulty or painful passing of stools.

Opioid constipation is caused by pain meds referred to as opioids. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), opioids fall into the class of drugs as synthetic opioids (fentanyl), illegal drug heroin, and pain relievers (hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, codeine, etc.).

Most of those that take these drugs are expected to take other specific medications for regular bowel movements. However, there are other things you can do to feel better.

Five Effective Remedies for Opioid Constipation

Take Sufficient Water

Don't be surprised to hear that several individuals experienced constipation due to dehydration. So, taking opioids will do nothing but make the condition worse. In addition, your body may find it challenging to get the right amount of fluids when you're in pain. Therefore, the proven solution here is to ensure that you take enough water throughout the day.

Consume More Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber is adequate enough to increase the size and weight of your stool and soften it. Fiber is great for your bowel when taken regularly. With it, you can easily pass a bulky stool and decrease your chance of constipation.

The soluble fibers are an excellent remedy for opioid constipation. You can add them to your meal and make them soft by adding water to them. Fiber can be derived from vegetables, seeds, whole grains, nuts, and fruits (prunes and warm prune juice).

Fiber is an amazing way to maintain your bowel health and is nutritionally required for healthy living.

Do Enough Exercise

Generally, exercise is good for the human body. It doesn't work otherwise for constipation. Through exercise, you can get your bowels moving, which can be of help.

Getting active can be in different ways. You can try ten minutes of walking around the house, taking light stretches, or doing chores.

Since your doctor knows better, you may want to ask about the right kind of activity.

Take Coffee

Drinking coffee, particularly caffeinated coffee, can help relieve constipation. Coffee helps with digestion by stimulating the digestive mechanism.

Furthermore, coffee can help prevent constipation since it may contain a few soluble fibers and improve the balance of gut bacteria.

Consider Other Medications

Apart from opioids, other medications can cause constipation. These include chemotherapy drugs, some heart disease medications, and antihistamines. Before taking any of these drugs, you should inform your doctor to know if they are appropriate.

Your doctor may also recommend stool softeners, laxatives, or other medications to help you feel better if you are not relieved through exercise, diet, and other habits.

Bottom Line

Constipation can make you feel very uncomfortable, but you can easily get back on your feet with suitable remedies. Nonetheless, suppose after trying all the home remedies and natural methods, and your condition persists. In that case, you must see your doctor for a proper diagnosis to recommend the best solution.

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